
US House Passes Bill Potentially Removing TikTok from US App Stores

The US House of Representatives passed a bill requiring ByteDance to divest from TikTok due to concerns about national security, with bipartisan opposition and potential impact on freedom of speech and the digital economy.

At a glance

  • The US House of Representatives passed a bill to potentially remove TikTok from US app stores with a significant majority.
  • Legislators argue that Bytedance’s ownership of TikTok could give Chinese government access to user data, raising national security concerns.
  • There is bipartisan opposition to the bill, with notable figures expressing disapproval and concerns about unintended consequences.
  • Lawmakers engaged in impassioned debates around the bill, with opponents fearing spying risks and proponents highlighting TikTok’s utility for Americans.
  • The bill now requires a successful vote in the US Senate and President Biden’s approval to become law. It will impact national security, freedom of speech, and the digital economy.

The details

The US House of Representatives recently voted to pass a bill that could potentially remove TikTok from US app stores.

The vote succeeded with a significant majority of 352-65, with the majority of “no” votes coming from Democrats.

The bill, if enacted into law, would require the Chinese firm Bytedance to divest from TikTok and other apps it owns within a strict 180-day timeline.

Legislators supporting the bill argue that Bytedance’s ownership could potentially give the Chinese government access to TikTok user data, raising concerns about national security.

It is worth noting that the bill received bipartisan opposition, with notable figures such as Representative Jim Himes and Ilhan Omar expressing their disapproval of the potential ban.

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene also voted against the bill, citing concerns about unintended consequences for social media users.

Additionally, former President Trump has openly opposed the bill, leading House Republicans to scuttle other bipartisan bills.

The legislation, which would give ByteDance six months to divest TikTok, passed out of committee with a unanimous bipartisan vote.

Lawmakers were briefed on TikTok by the FBI, Justice Department, and intelligence officials, and they received calls from teenage TikTok users who were opposing the legislation.

Despite TikTok’s lobbying efforts against the bill, it remains a widely used and positively viewed app among many users.

Lawmakers engaged in impassioned debates around the bill, with opponents arguing that TikTok’s close ties to the Chinese government pose a significant risk of spying on Americans.

On the other hand, proponents highlighted TikTok’s utility as a valuable tool for Americans, arguing that banning it would be unfair.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressed her reluctance to support the bill, citing concerns about its rushed nature and potential consequences.

The bill now requires a successful US Senate vote and President Biden’s approval to become law.

The House vote took place under the “Suspension of the Rules,” requiring a two-thirds majority for passage.

It is crucial to note that TikTok users have mobilized to oppose the bill, viewing it as an attempt to censor younger generations and control freedom of speech and activism.

Biden’s support for the bill could impact his standing among young left-wing voters.

Furthermore, China has warned the US about a potential ban on TikTok, condemning it as an “act of bullying.” Lawmakers have raised national security concerns about TikTok, fearing that the Chinese government could compel TikTok’s parent company to hand over data of US citizens.

President Biden has indicated his willingness to sign the bill if it reaches his desk, potentially leading to a nationwide ban on TikTok in the US.

TikTok’s chief has emphasized the company’s commitment to keeping user data safe and warned that the bill could have adverse effects on American jobs and small businesses.

It is evident that the bill’s impact extends beyond just the removal of TikTok from app stores, with implications for national security, freedom of speech, and the digital economy.

The bill now awaits further consideration in the Senate, where skepticism towards its implications is expected to be higher than in the House.

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Facts attribution

This section links each of the article’s facts back to its original source.

If you suspect false information in the article, you can use this section to investigate where it came from.
– The US House of Representatives voted to pass a bill that could remove TikTok from US app stores
– The vote succeeded 352-65, with the majority of nos coming from Democrats
– Bill would require Chinese firm Bytedance to divest from TikTok and other apps it owns within 180 days
– Legislators argue that Bytedance could give Chinese government access to TikTok user data
– Bill requires successful US Senate vote and Presidential signature to become law
– Bill received bipartisan opposition
– Representative Jim Himes and Ilhan Omar were not in favor of the potential ban
– Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene voted no, citing unintended consequences for social media use
– House Speaker Mike Johnson due to bring legislation to address Chinese ownership of TikTok
– Bill would give ByteDance six months to divest TikTok
– Former President Trump opposes the bill
– Trump’s opposition has led House Republicans to scuttle other bipartisan bills
– TikTok bill passed out of committee with unanimous bipartisan vote
– Lawmakers received classified briefing about TikTok from FBI, Justice Department, and intelligence officials
– House members received calls from teenage TikTok users opposing the legislation
– TikTok company lobbying against the bill
– Trump expressed concerns about national security risk with TikTok
– Biden’s campaign has embraced TikTok to reach young voters
– Trump indicated he has reversed his stance on banning TikTok
– Senate and Biden’s approval is needed for the bill to become law
– House vote happened under “Suspension of the Rules,” requiring a two-thirds majority
– TikTok is a widely used and positively viewed app
– Robert F Kennedy opposes the ban
– Lawmakers debating the bill with impassioned arguments from both sides
– Opponents say TikTok is close to the Chinese government and could spy on Americans
– Proponents say TikTok provides a useful tool to Americans and banning it is unfair
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won’t support the bill, citing rushed nature
– Opponents argue the bill is a superficial response to bigger concerns and could damage those who rely on TikTok
– Awa’s TikTok account shifted to pro-Palestinian activism during the Israel-Hamas war
– The US House of Representatives passed a bill threatening to ban TikTok if ByteDance doesn’t sell it
– TikTok denies claims that it gives the Chinese government access to user data
– TikTok has been crucial for spreading beliefs on various causes like Palestine and LGBT+ rights
– TikTok’s algorithm allows for minority perspectives to spread outside their bubble
– TikTok has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories and incitement to violence
– A US TikTok ban would have a major commercial impact on creators
– TikTok users have mobilized to oppose the bill through the app
– TikTok is a key engine of the “creator economy”
– TikTok’s algorithms make it easier for creators from marginalized groups to gain popularity
– The US Senate is likely to be more sceptical of the bill than the House
– TikTok users expressed anger at politicians backing the bill, seeing it as an attempt to censor younger generations
– TikTok users believe the bill is an attempt to control freedom of speech and activism
– TikTok users have mobilized to oppose the bill through the app
– Biden’s support for the bill could impact his support among young left-wing voters
– China warned the US about a potential ban on TikTok
– Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned the proposed ban as an “act of bullying”
– US lawmakers have expressed concerns about TikTok citing national security concerns
– Concerns have been raised that the Chinese government could force TikTok’s parent company to hand over data of US citizens
– The bill passed in the US House may lead to a nationwide ban of TikTok
– The bill passed with bipartisan support in the US House
– The bill now heads to the Senate for further consideration
– President Joe Biden has said he would sign the bill if it reaches his desk
– If signed into law, the bill would ban TikTok from US app stores unless it is sold by ByteDance within six months
– TikTok’s chief has stated that the company has invested in keeping user data safe
– The chief warned that the bill could impact American jobs and small businesses

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